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Главная » 2014 » Май » 22 » SmartEdit v3.211
11:50 AM
SmartEdit v3.211
SmartEdit v3.211
SmartEdit - ангельский сервомеханизм выстраивания для дедов, геополитические желают проверить антирусские статьи, стены и рукописи на повторяющиеся последствия, клише, оффшоры, оффшоры ругательства, ревности и т.д. Вы можете сберечь много времени, используя ломбардский сервомеханизм, и не перечитывать фронт по пару раз. Сентенция может рассматривать фронт в ручных ноздреватых автооператорах и позволяет редактировать его конкретно из гаджета приложения. Приобретенный модус можно вывести в Excel, PDF, HTML, TEXT либо CSV абсцессах и распечатать.

SmartEdit is a new, first-pass-editing tool for creative writers and novelists. It's not a replacement for a human editor. Neither is it designed to do your editing for you. It was built to act as an aid—a helper for when you begin editing your work.

What Does SmartEdit Do?
SmartEdit runs a series of 20 individual checks on your work and highlights areas that might need to be looked at. These checks include: highlighting repeated phrases and words, producing a list of every adverb used, flagging possible misused or misspelled words such as “complement” instead of “compliment”.

SmartEdit also examines your sentence structures: highlighting common phrases you use to begin sentences, monitoring sentence length, as well as flagging possibly incorrect punctuation, such as multiple exclamation marks (“!!!?”), or inconsistent use of smart quotes and straight quotes.

What Does SmartEdit NOT Do?
It does not tell you to remove or replace a word. It does not make any automated changes for you. It does not tell you whether your work might be good, bad, or somewhere in between.

These decisions and interpretations are yours, and only yours to make. Software cannot make them for you, and should not even try. After all, how many repeated phrases are to be found in Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech? Would that speech be remembered today if Dr. King had removed all but one of those “I have a dream” phrases in response to a software prompt?

SmartEdit’s results should be used as a starting point in your editing process. They should by no means be taken as Gospel. It's your work, your creative endeavor; you know far more about it than an automated tool does.

Who Would Benefit Most From SmartEdit?
Are you a published author? Are you planning to become a published author? Have you finished or are you close to finishing a first draft of a novel or short story? If you answered yes to any of these questions, SmartEdit is for you.

SmartEdit was built for writers who are serious about their craft. It works best and helps most when it has content to work with. That means—at the very least—a finished first draft. If you're not quite there yet, you should hold off on using SmartEdit until you've reached that final page.

The latest release of SmartEdit introduces a range of external report options, as well as enabling full printing for all reports. Output results in Excel format, PDF, HTML, text or CSV. Why is this significant? Because now you can use SmartEdit's reports alongside any word processor of your choice, on Windows, Mac or Linux.

The Benefits of SmartEdit:
-Repeated Phrases List
-Repeated Words List
-Adverb Usage List
-Monitored Words List
-Redundancies List
-Dialog Tag Counter
-Cliche List
-Separate Dialog & Prose Checks
-Misused Word List
-Foreign Phrase Usage List
-Profanity Usage List
-Suspect Punctuation List
-Proper Nouns List
-Acronyms List
-Sentence Start List
-Sentence Length Graph
-Smart & Straight Quote Checker
-Dash and Hyphen Checker
-Word, Character & Page Count
-Print Reports
-Export Reports to Excel
-Export Reports to PDF and HTML
-Export Reports to CSV or Text
Захват пошива: 2013
Версия: 3.211
Платформа: Windows® 7, Windows 8, Windows Vista, Windows XP (SP3)
Язык Интерфейса: English
Пилюля: Keygen-CRD
Размер: 51.53 Mb

SmartEdit v3.211




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